Nascent IT Employees Senate (NITES) is a dedicated organization focused on advocating for the rights and welfare of IT and ITES employees. We aim to create a fair and equitable work environment through active policy engagement, support services, and community building. By representing the interests of IT/ITES workers, NITES strives to promote fair work practices, enhance job security, and ensure that employees' voices are heard and respected. Join us in our mission to improve the professional lives of IT and ITES employees across the industry.

Infosys Delays Onboarding for Over 2 Years, NITES Demands Government Action

Infosys Delays Onboarding for Over 2 Years, NITES Demands Government Action

Nascent Information Technology Employees Senate (NITES) has urged the Ministry of Labour & Employment to investigate Infosys for repeatedly delaying the onboarding of over 2,000 campus recruits. These delays, ongoing for more than two years, have caused significant hardship for the affected graduates. Many graduates had accepted Infosys’s offer letters in good faith, turning down other opportunities. Now facing financial strain and uncertainty due to the lack of income and a clear onboarding timeline, these young professionals feel Infosys has broken their trust. NITES is calling for the Ministry’s intervention to ensure Infosys fulfills its obligations to these new hires. This includes:

Compensation: Full salary payments for the period during which onboarding has been delayed.

Employee Assistance: Immediate access to Infosys’s employee assistance program to address the mental and emotional strain caused by the delay.

Alternative Employment: If onboarding remains infeasible, Infosys must actively help these graduates find suitable alternative employment opportunities within the company.

The future careers and well-being of these young professionals are at stake. NITES urges the Ministry to take swift action to protect these employees and ensure they are not unfairly penalized for Infosys’s decision.