Nascent IT Employees Senate (NITES) is a dedicated organization focused on advocating for the rights and welfare of IT and ITES employees. We aim to create a fair and equitable work environment through active policy engagement, support services, and community building. By representing the interests of IT/ITES workers, NITES strives to promote fair work practices, enhance job security, and ensure that employees' voices are heard and respected. Join us in our mission to improve the professional lives of IT and ITES employees across the industry.

NITES raises concern of students & employees facing delay in onboarding

NITES raises concern of students & employees facing delay in onboarding

Nascent Information Technology Employees Senate NITES has submitted a letter to the Ministry of Labour and Employment requesting immediate actions against delay in on boarding of more than 30000 students & employees. Wipro has recently claimed to remove 300 existing employees on the ground of Moonlighting & breach of ethics. But is this policy of company to use time & energy of employees for more than a year without paying any money ethical. Hence we have demanded prompt intervention and support of Government to safeguard welfare, rights and families of more than 30000 students & employees. IT companies like Wipro, Tech Mahindra, Infosys, Capgemini & others should be held responsible for putting the careers of students and employees at risk. We have requested the Ministry of Labour and Employment to take appropriate actions. Trusting the IT organizations these students and employees have avoided other employment opportunities. The companies talk superficially about the ethics and values but in reality it is sheer crony capitalism. It’s a clear cheating on organizations part as it’s not just the students but their families who also suffer from false promises. The Government should take adequate measures to safeguard the life, future and career of these students & employees. NITES has been continuously counseling more than 2000 students and employees who are waiting on boarding. The IT companies have no mercy or humanity left and are responsible for the unfortunate incidents. The companies have harassed these students & employees to an extent where they are forced to take extreme steps. These companies have demotivated & jeopardized the life of the students and employees. They are struggling socially and financially because of unethical practices adopted by IT sector organizations. We condemn and hold IT firms responsible for the traumatic condition of the students and employees. Companies should apologies to these students & employees on a public platform for the cheating done with these students and employees.

Harpreet Singh Saluja


Nascent Information Technology Employees Senate NITES