Nascent IT Employees Senate (NITES) is a dedicated organization focused on advocating for the rights and welfare of IT and ITES employees. We aim to create a fair and equitable work environment through active policy engagement, support services, and community building. By representing the interests of IT/ITES workers, NITES strives to promote fair work practices, enhance job security, and ensure that employees' voices are heard and respected. Join us in our mission to improve the professional lives of IT and ITES employees across the industry.

NITES raises voice against HCL illegal Bonus Recovery Policy

Payment of bonus is the statutory liability on the employer and receipt of bonus amount is the legal right of the employee and the amount to be paid, to whom to be paid and by when to be paid has been well framed in the Payment of Bonus Act. The employer cannot unethically amend the bonus scheme depriving bonus to its employees. The employees resigned from the service also are entitled to bonus for their tenure.We have received multiple complaints from employees across India that the employer HCL Technologies Limited has initiated a policy to recover bonus paid to the employees. If the employee fails to pay the amount his/her experience certificate, relieving letter and other employment documents & benefits are withheld by the company. The said policy implemented by the company to recover bonus already paid to its employees forcefully is iniquitous, arbitrary and harsh. Nascent Information Technology Employees Senate NITES has submitted official complaint to PMO India, Ministry of Labour and Employment and Ministry of Corporate Affairs against HCL Technologies unlawful bonus recovery policy.