Nascent IT Employees Senate (NITES) is a dedicated organization focused on advocating for the rights and welfare of IT and ITES employees. We aim to create a fair and equitable work environment through active policy engagement, support services, and community building. By representing the interests of IT/ITES workers, NITES strives to promote fair work practices, enhance job security, and ensure that employees' voices are heard and respected. Join us in our mission to improve the professional lives of IT and ITES employees across the industry.

NITES condemns TCS decision to modify Appraisal Policy

NITES condemns TCS decision to modify Appraisal Policy

Nascent Information Technology Employees Senate NITES strongly condemns TCS decision to stop increments and appraisals of newly joined employees for one year. The company is unethically revising the policies related to employees remunerations without any consent from Labour & Employment Ministry. At the time of recruitment the company promises to pay definite salary to employees but later amend policies without even talking to employees which is no less than cheating. Mostly Tata group is appreciated & applauded for the philanthropy and corporate social activities but in reality at the ground level the Tata employees are being exploited for financial gains.

Harpreet Singh Saluja


Nascent Information Technology Employees Senate NITES